Quality time in this family means we all gather to eat fajitas, drink coronas, and watch grown men beat the pulp out of each other.
Category: Uncategorized
Typical. All the boys are in one room watching the UFC 100 and drinking beer while all the girls are in another room taking care of the children. I am child free at the moment so I’m chillin’ with the boys drinking beer… As it should be. Tell me again why I’m supposed to have…
We will miss you Amy
Corpus Christi Church
We arrived at the church at 10:05 thinking we were late. They said 10:00am. I guess they meant 10:00am Filipino time. So now we’re waiting for the service to start.
He Twisted My Arm
i know, i know… i’ve been a total slacker lately in terms of updating my blog – and i blame it all on john. for some reason, john seems to think that i’m a gamer and i politely told him that was untrue. despite this, he grabbed my arm and twisted it, urging me to…
Flat Rat
i hopped out of my car and headed towards the restaurant with john when something caught my eye. i had to do a double take. i’ve seen road kill pleanty of times, but i’ve never seen anything quite so flat. i present to you: flat rat.
Flick War
i almost forgot to do a screen capture for my flickr stats today until john direct messaged me on twitter. here it is. just watch, i will come from behind! i will overtake him!
That Was Quick
i helped my friend ron create a facebook account today and it amazed me how many people were sitting around on facebook. within two minutes of creating an account and adding friends, two people confirmed him as a friend on facebook. with in 5 minutes 8 people had confirmed him. 20 minutes later, who knows…
Why update?
my friend recently wrote to me about my facebook habbits. he asked “do people really care if your eating ribs?” and later asked “Are people bored?” i have no idea. it could be boredom. the idea of describing your blow-by-blow activities in such detail seems absurd. why would you subject your friends to your daily…
The Chicago Brewing Co.
A few years ago Randy and I discovered The Chicago Brewing Co. located inside the 4 queens Casino. It’s a tiny little bar area, but we come here because we like to get the beer sampler. Some beers are really good and some are pretty awful. Randy and I particularly hate the hardway IPA. The…