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Author: pinlux
Moon Rise
The moon is rising just as the sun is setting. I smell an eclipse around the corner. I can’t tell you how beautiful a desert moon rise is, especially when the moon is right on the horizon. Okay, so you can’t tell in the picture, but it looks huge!
Del Taco Dinner
Randy and I are stopping off for dinner at Del Taco. We thought it was appropriate since the first Del Taco was founded somewhere around here (Yermo). I like that they have the sauce packets in a basket on the table. I wish all places did it this way. I take what I want and…
Alien cloud
This is the one and only cloud in the sky right now. I’m thinking it’s a UFO disguised as a cloud. That’s my guess.
On the road again
Krista wants to celebrate her birthday in Las Vegas this year so Randy, my uke, and I are headed there now. Krista, John, and The Verg will head there later tonight. We’ll be staying at the Golden Nugget in Downtown Las Vegas. As for our itinerary, that’s still up in the air, but I’ll be…
My heart belongs to Apple… sort of
Apple’s iPhone 4 is available for pre-order starting today. Do I want one? Yes! Do I want one BAD? Hell yeah! But I’m not going to do it. The 32GB iPhone 4 comes with a sticker price of $299 with a two year contract with AT&T. Add tax and the $18 upgrade fee and it’s…
Meet my twin sister, Heather. We’re identical. Can you tell? I’m Heather’s Siamese twin (since I’m Thai) and she’s my Iowanese twin (since she’s from Iowa), get it? Heather is basically… me, but with light golden brown hair. She’d kill me if I ever called her blond. We both love wearing flip flops, beer, cigarettes,…
My favorite iPhone camera apps
Lately, I’ve been taking more pictures with my iPhone than my DSLR since I picked up a few new camera apps. The pictures just come out looking so groovy. The new apps are: Night Shot, TiltShift Generator, Hipstamatic, and TouchOfColor. My go to app used to be Photoshop.com Mobile, but I haven’t touched it since…
Blog Templates
I’m in the market for a new blog template. My site may look odd for a few days while I experiment with new layouts to include the removal of those dreaded ads. Please bare with me during this time of change.
Let me just say, I really dislike blogger’s current post editor. Aaaaaaarrrrgggg!!!