Have you heard of “No Shave November” or “No Nut November”? Well, I’d like to welcome you to DECLUTTER DECEMBER!
It’s not really a thing. It’s just a Grace thang.
You see, I am a hoarder. While my house doesn’t look as bad as the hoarder houses that you might see on TV, it’s definitely cluttered. There have been things that have lived on the floor for YEARS without having been used. It lives there because I MIGHT want to use it one day. Well, it’s getting annoying.
It’s getting in the way of my productivity and my enjoyment of my space. If I want to access something I actually want to use, I have to spend time and energy clearing away the stuff that I’m saving “just in case”. And by the time I’m done with that, I’m too tired to actually do the thing I WANT to be doing.
Sure, I can set a New Year’s resolution to finally get my house cleaned up, or I can just start NOW. Guess which one I chose.
I’m starting this journey because I was lurking on the “self-improvement” side of YouTube and I came across a video that asked, “How much influence do you think your environment has over your life”?
A part of me has always known – a lot. The clutter in my life has been a distraction for a long time. Not only does the clutter often get in my way physically, but it also gets in my way mentally. I find it difficult to concentrate on the things I want to do when that mess in the corner of the room taunts me. Aside from it being aesthetically unappealing, I also end up feeling guilty for not cleaning it up. It also ends up being stressful when I’m expecting a guest over and I’m afraid that the person will think I’m a totally unorganized slob for just having a pile of junk on the ground.
Well, I’m tired of feeling that way and I am going to do something about it. And thus the birth of “Declutter December”. While many people in the US wouldn’t consider taking on this kind of project with the holidays (and all of their social implications) in full swing, I don’t really celebrate the holidays. My friends are busy with their holiday celebrations so, why not just start now? Why not just dedicate this month while my friends and extended family don’t really have time to meet up anyway to just get my house in order?
More on cleaning before the New Year to come…
I know it’s hard but if there’s stuff you haven’t use in a couple of years, you most probably won’t miss it. Live on the edge! I donate a lot thinking some one might enjoy it. Good luck ja!