now i miss the chickens and how the neighbors would bring them by to our family. there was a time, i swear, we had, like, 8 chickens. i miss the traditions. i miss the neighborhood burning joss papr for ancestors, the smell of incense in the air, the fireworks, and just the festive atmosphere.
the only tradition i keep these days is the red envelope thing. one day i’ll pick up the chicken and joss paper thing. like many other rituals to me, it’s meant just to keep the spirit of the holiday, like carving a pumpkin and decorating a christmas tree. it’s not like i believe a carved pumpkin will scare away evil spirits or that decorating a tree will appease good spirits.
randy and i are both part chinese, albeit, a very small part. his family doesn’t celebrate chinese traditions as much as mine does, but that’s because of where my family is from.
this year, i had randy hand out the little red envelopes. the kids knew what they were right away because thuy had given the them little red envelopes yesterday and explained to them what it meant.