Ran into two more photo department buddies, Manuel and Thomas, between classes again at the entrance to the convention. I really should just stick around here to see who else I can run into.
We are all going to the Pictage party at Studio 54 tonight. Open bar. Need I say more?
Classes are going great, learning tons! It looks like the high end photogs are all using Capture One, not Lightroom. They say the image quality is better. And it does sound like they are using digital techs, good news for our program at Cypress College that offers classes on how to be a digital tech. There is a demand in the industry.
For those using Lightroom, have no fear, it’s still what most pros use and the need to know it is not going away anytime soon.
Anyway, off to the last class of the night. It’s a Lightroom one with Chris Orwig. I watch so much to his stuff on lynda.com I would know his voice anywhere. I can’t wait to see him in person.