Michelle has been raving about Couture Books for over a year. I knew that she knew someone from the company but had no idea who it was. She text me and asked me to pick up stuff for her. I thought they weren’t at the show, but my new friend Andy said they were at the trade show and told me where they were.
i’ve been looking at album companies all week because i want to see what’s out there and kalen has been looking for stuff too. it was my first time seeing the books and i love them. they are little works of art. i’m torn between telling the world about it or keeping it as my own little secret, obviously, i opted for telling the world.
anyway, as i was standing there talking to the guy I saw his name tag and it said dave. the name was so familiar. why? was it from pictage? i turned to him and told him his name sounded familiar. he just laughed and said, “i know you, grace, from pictage.” lightbulb! oh yeah. it all came back to me.
anyway, dave is super nice, super cool. check out couture book for your album needs, you’ll love them. you haven’t seen books like these.