I woke up this morning wishing I could go back to sleep. I wanted this class to be over so I could have my Sundays back already. I miss sleepeing in. Unfortunately, skipping class was not an option.
Today we finished our lecture on corrective makeup and contouring, then we got to put makeup on each other. Krista went first and, man, her hands were cold. Very cold. I haven’t had someone put makeup on me since my senior prom and to be honest, it felt a little weird. I had gotten used to my makeup being applied and looking a certain way and it was hard adjusting to seeing it different than how I put it on. It made me feel uncomfortable even though I could tell, objectively, it looked pretty good.
Soon it was my turn to put makeup on Krista. It was hard adjusting to using her makeup, her brushes, and putting things on her face instead of mine. I was nervous and in a constant state of paranoia that I was patting on the foundation too roughly. I was so afraid I was going to poke her in the eye, I glued on the lashes way too far from her lash line. It wasn’t pretty, literally.
I need more practice and thankfully my family and friends are willing to let me practice on them. I’m going to practice on everyone who’s willing to let me. Does anyone else want to volunteer? Please.