Congratulations to Pinky and Alvin on the birth of their first child!
while Pinky and Alvin where in the hospital, there was a flurry of e-mails sent back and forth between the family starting on sept. 26 at 4:37pm and ending on sept. 27 at 10:20am. this is how it went:
tisha1013: According to Kris… Pinky was admitted to the hospital a couple of hours ago. Looks like the baby is coming on time.. I am going to guess saturday at 1:48 am!
divinegrace327: I say 12:08am
marvin: Saturday @ 2:37 am
alymaria: I say 7:15 am. First labors can last looong!
pinlux: randy wants 5:23am. i want 3:22am
mannyrey: 5:04am
markyrey: false alarms til Sunday night…then…Monday 12am sharp. Ha!
divinegrace327: Did she pop yet? What do we win if we get the closest time?
maylambojon: Ringo said 3:30a.m. I say 8:00a.m.
markyrey: Nothing…you have to get the exact time! And then you win the right to claim that you have psychic powers.
maylambojon: Just an update I talked to Pinky and she said she was 4-5cm around 8pm but she already had an epidural.
tisha1013: anyone have the latest info on pinky?
tisha1013: It’s a girl! Kayla Andrea (not sure if that’s spelled right)
mannyrey: A few more details: 6 lbs 14 oz, 21in, between 9-9:30am
tisha1013: Hmmm.. So it looks like May can claim to be pyschic! She’s the closest with 8am! But aren’t you a nurse May? Does that count? 😉 hahaha
maylambojon: Yeah I will claim it I am a psychic coz i got the time of her delivery and the sex of the baby too hehehe…..